Domestic focus drives an EYCI record

Hereford cattle walking on green pasture

Young cattle prices continued to climb this week to hit a new high, taking no notice of lower export market values. The local supply situation and decent rainfall forecasts has saleyard prices trading back at global market values. The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) lifted to find it’s new record on Wednesday at 772¢/kg cwt. […]

Fact or fiction?

Round hay bales in field- feed

Sometimes the hardest thing to do when looking at markets is to decipher the real message from the published message. There is a lot of rhetoric around the China imports and US exports of grain and beans, with polarized stories representing positive and negative positions. It seems that “fake” news is a distinct possibility. Usually […]

Supply and price edging lower for lambs

Sheep in field

Lower supply wasn’t enough to put a halt to the softening lamb prices this week, with what appears to be wavering demand. Small sheep numbers on the east coast however, did help to lift mutton prices. So far in June, east coast lamb slaughter has trended 12% below the five year average, and 4% below […]

Low yields weighing on the market

Bales of wool in shed

The market was again cheaper this week, with the large supply of “low yielding” wool continuing to attract discounts negatively impacting on the EMI as buyers struggled to fit these types into orders. While the drought impact has caused yields to be lower, this week in Mecardo Andrew Woods reported that yield was 3 – […]