Mutton to get expensive, relatively speaking
As we come out of the winter lull evidence is starting to point towards a recovery in lamb supplies, and a continuing dearth in sheep. We have seen this before, but maybe not to the extent that is expected, though we can still look for clues as to how prices might react. Lamb supplies are […]
Greasy wool stocks build
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused demand to drop precipitously, as it has for apparel fibres generally. The drop in demand means that less wool, from all regions, has flowed through the supply chain in 2020. As a consequence, grower held stocks have built up. This article takes a quick look at Australian greasy wool stocks. […]
Regional Rainfall Update May 2020
Mecardo’s regional rainfall update for May 2020. Click here to view the latest update This report highlights: Current season’s monthly rainfall trend Last season’s monthly rainfall trend Average monthly trend over 50 years 70% range in monthly rainfall over last 50 years 95% range Rainfall within the 70% range would be considered reflective of a […]