Yardings & Heavy steers up, Restockers keep on buying

Three cattle on grass

Yardings and slaughter are up, along with the EYCI, and restockers keep putting their brand on the market, but with a good flush of rainfall over the last week across most districts, plus JBS announcing the shut down of two major processing plants, we’re unlikely to see a repeat of higher volumes next week. East […]

Dash to the slaughter before the clock struck midnight

Wide shot of sheep in a field

The new restrictions on meat processing in Victoria came into effect last Friday, and the race was on to get animals through before the deadline. The solid jump in supply, was no doubt part of the reason for last weeks market whitewash. However, on the surface, this week’s market appeared more stable. Lamb throughput was […]

Wool is hanging in …just!

A sheep being sheared

It seems the big correction last week generated some buyer interest as well as lowering sellers price expectation, with sales this week “solid” and clearance rates improved. AWEX reported that while all fleece types recorded increases, the skirtings and oddments posted falls resulting in the market overall quoted marginally cheaper. The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) […]

USDA confirms ample stocks

Harvesting a wheat field

The wheat market has borne the brunt of expectations of another big global crop. Bigger crops in Russia, Canada and Australia have more than compensated for poor yields in Europe. The USDA has pegged global ending stocks at 316mmt – an all time record. Again it is important to look at the fact that over […]