How long does it take to rebuild the herd?

A query we received last week posed a few curly questions, the main one being the question around the length of the herd rebuild, and when store cattle might become affordable again. Obviously, this depends on a lot of factors, but we can make a raft of assumptions and look at historical rebuilds and see […]
What La Niña Means for wheat Internationally

For Australia, La Niña weather conditions mean higher and more consistent rainfall, and better yields for crops as a result. Conventional wisdom is that the impact is thought to be not quite so rosy for producers in other parts of the world like South America, Russia and the former Soviet Union, but how true is […]
Still the year of the pig?

While 2019 was officially the “Year of the pig” according to the Chinese Zodiac, it seems the influence of pigs is set to continue as will their impact on global agricultural commodities. The latest “big” news relating to global protein supply is that China has now banned imports of pork from Germany as a result […]