Merino micron price curves

Amongst the collapse and now partial recovery of greasy wool prices in 2020 micron premiums and discounts have been steadily widening in response to changing supply. This article takes a look at Merino micron price curves now and in recent years for comparison. In late August Mecardo looked at fine wool premiums and supply, showing […]
EYCI premium pushes on

After spending all of 2019 trading at a discount of at least 100¢/kg to the 90CL price, the Eastern States Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has spent the majority of this year well above it. The 90CL – a benchmark price for frozen manufacturing beef into the US – has been losing ground this month, while […]
Percentiles – October 2020

Mecardo’s Percentiles update for October 2020. Click below to view the latest report Grains Oilseeds Sheep and lambs Cattle Wool Dairy Fuel Percentiles are an important tool for assisting in the decision-making process. They can provide an indication of the range in which prices have moved and how much time they have spent at varying levels. […]
Lamb slaughter likely to be higher in the 1st quarter

We’ve taken a look at the latest Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) sheep projections, released in September, at an annual level. It’s more useful for lamb producers, however, if we break it down to a monthly level, and it’s relatively positive. Firstly we will see what November and December holds for lamb supply. We’ve broken […]