Processors sidelined by record prices

Another week of extraordinarily tight supply has sent the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) surging to an all-time record high of 907¢/kg cwt, mostly driven by strong prices in QLD. Unsurprisingly, Restocker and Feedlot buyer activity has dominated the market for young cattle, effectively squeezing terminal processor buyers out of the auction market with spirited […]
Weather bringing ‘heat’ to the market

The wheat market is in a tug of war between tightening old crop stocks and new season supply. The USDA released their April stocks report quietly last Friday night. Perhaps surprising the market was the drop in corn and wheat stocks more than the trade had been estimating. China is again the ‘culprit’, having switched […]
Prices feel the supply jump

As nice as weeks of extremely tight supply are for price, they don’t last forever. Higher flows of lamb and sheep to the yards has seen the market correct in all eastern states, while recent rain in WA boosted confidence and price. For the week ending the 9th of April 142,007 lambs were yarded in […]
Market resumes to mixed result

It was a similar story to what we have seen for much of the past 12 months in the wool market this week, with fine wool attracting solid demand and price increases, while the rest of the offering produced softer prices. The stronger finish in Melbourne was more widespread across the micron ranges, however fine […]