V is for Volatility

May we live in interesting times – to paraphrase an ancient Chinese curse – seems particularly apt in commodity markets right now. The very strong rally we’ve seen across all commodities, took a breather this week. End of the month, some profit taking and some rain in key areas allowed the market to take the […]
Another fine performance

The opening sales of the biggest offering for months were characterised by a solid performance in Melbourne with 5-22¢ rises across the 16-22 MPG categories, with growers only passing in 700 of the 7,680 bales on offer there. Sydney was a little more subdued but still saw increases from 1-7¢ in the 19.5 and finer […]
What goes up, must come down

What goes up, must come down (well, usually), and this was certainly the case for the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) this week. It fell 29¢ or 3.2% on last week to close this week at 877¢, just slightly above where it started off this month. While there were still some saleyards where EYCI eligible […]
Strong slaughter sticks around but finds a bounce

Processors continued to work through another week of strong lamb and sheep supply. The positive news is that prices generally stabilised across most categories of lamb and mutton. While the Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator was close to pushing under 800₵ it managed to bounce this week. Lamb slaughter for the week ending the 23rd […]