A dose of rain leads in to a softer market

It was a wet old week across much of the country, with many west and east sheep areas enjoying a top-up of rain. Despite this, the lamb market was broadly weaker as continued strong slaughter volumes impact the market. East coast lamb yardings fell 10% for the week ending the 30th of April compared to […]

Plenty of confidence in the market still

While more records were broken in the West, with the Western Young Cattle Indicator (WYCI) reaching another all-time high, the Eastern States steadied and even reversed last week’s price drops in some categories. Restocker buying is still strong in NSW, with Restocker Yearling Steers showing strong price increases. The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) reversed […]

Quick trip around the World

weather map

In the not so distant past, grain trading houses put huge emphasis on crop condition analytics, reports from ‘boots on the ground’ and anything else that might help them get an advantage when trading. These days, with satellite technology, NDVI data and the internet, global crop conditions are freely available in real time. Commodity exchanges […]

Wools run comes to an end

Wool spread by hand

After 3 consecutive weeks of price increases the wool market retraced this week, with all types and all centres impacted. After lifting by 30¢ last week, the Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) gave 23¢ this week to finish at 1,319¢. A similar result was posted in US dollar terms with the Aussie dollar slightly weaker to […]