USDA corn acreage disappoints
The USDA released its acreage report yesterday, into an environment where industry expectations were that US farmers had planted one of the largest areas of corn of the past five years. However, the report showed numbers that were divergent from the general trade consensus, and the result was that the US corn futures rallied, hitting […]
Is there an RWS price effect at auction?
This article follows on from last week’s look at quality scheme volumes this season. Here we look to see if there is some appreciable price effect (preferably a premium) for RWS accredited wool sold at auction. As the analysis last week showed (view here) only 1.3% of Merino fleece sold for the season to April […]
Free trade to fuel UK demand for Aussie red meat
There’s been plenty of talk around the free-trade agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom, agreed to ‘in principle’ by the two countries last month. Previously part of the European Union trade negotiations, the UK’s exit from the EU created an opportunity for new discussion on free-trade with both parties – for the first time […]
Still a margin in buying extreme priced weaners
The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) hit yet another record last week. The 930ȼ/kg cwt record converts to just over 500ȼ/kg lwt, yet another milestone for the young cattle indicator. Weaner cattle are still making a healthy premium over the EYCI, and here we look at whether there is any money in buying light cattle. […]