Death by a thousand cuts

Looks like we are jumping straight into the silly season and skipping the boring mid-season slump. From being in a seemingly comfortable place, wheat has, after a series of produc-tion cuts, started to look a little tight. Over the space of two weeks, global wheat production has lost something like 10mmt and we are still […]
EYCI rebounds, but heavy steers stumble

After a slight stutter last week, the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has begun to recover – not quite back to breaking records again but moving in the direction sellers want, upwards and onwards. The national indicators, however, mostly lost ground. In the US, 90CL prices have sagged slightly in line with typical seasonal factors, […]
Snap turn in the market

It looks like the winter price peak is behind us now with the lamb market taking a quick turn south in most regions. Mutton is holding its own though, as tight supply sees any stock snapped up. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator lost 34ȼ to end the week at 890ȼ/kg cwt. Despite the fall, […]