Vegetable fault discounts reach seasonal maximum

Discounts for vegetable matter normally reach a seasonal maximum early in the season, with supply generally near a peak. This appears to be happening again in 2021. In May, Mecardo looked at the seasonal pattern in the supply of vegetable fault (VM) in the Australian clip showing how from September onwards it tends to fall. […]
Lotfeeders load up

Feeder steer and grain prices were both on the rise in the June quarter, but that hasn’t deterred lotfeeders, with cattle on feed numbers lifting 15% from the previous three months. It is the highest number of cattle on feed since the December 2019 quarter, and utilisation has lifted 12% on the previous quarter. Cattle […]
Rising retail beef prices offering support for lamb

If you thought beef was getting expensive at the supermarket, you were right. Rising cattle prices in 2021 have seemingly been passed on to consumers, with those preferring lamb enjoying a reprieve for the last twelve months. In domestic markets at least, it’s good news for lamb prices. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recently […]