National Trade Lambs hit new high

While the the two biggest sheep & lamb producing states continue to battle covid and the threat of processor capacity reductions it poses, or worse still, shut downs, on top off the logistical issues associated with essential worker permits for essential agricultural workers & state border closures – it wasn’t surprising that slaughter and yardings […]
Tight supply pushes EYCI to new record

The market was very upbeat this week, with the Eastern States Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) notching up another all-time record level. Demand appears robust, with slaughter growing week on week, but supply continues to tighten in contrast, with the combined effect carrying the market higher. Supply tightened again last week, with yardings backing off another […]
Spotlight turns to the south

The wheat (and broader Ag commodity) market stalled this week, falling in sympathy with a slow down in economic data. Adding to the tone, there has been some rain in the US Corn Belt, and while too late to build yield, it will allow the row crops there to finish off in style. The parched […]
Wool market halts price slide

Good news this week coming from the wool market as the sharp declines of the opening two weeks after the winter recess were halted. The smaller selection attracted buyer support from the outset although sellers were still unwilling to fully embrace the market resulting in a large pre-sale withdrawal, a high pass-in rate and a […]