Brazil beef banned by 5 countries on mad cow scare
While the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) and China are comfortable with atypical Mad Cow disease being found in Brazil recently, other countries are not, with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Russia among others banning imports of Brazilian beef. Regardless of the official scientific opinion on Brazilian beef from the OIE and others, one thing is […]
Shederingly expensive
The flock rebuild is well and truly underway, with breeding ewe prices hitting new extremes this spring. While conventional breeding ewes, Merinos and First Cross are making record prices, for them, it is shedding sheep which are achieving extremes. Today we look at whether they are worth the extra $500 per head. Record breeding ewe […]
Waxing oilseed markets
Canola prices both here and overseas are reaching rare air. It is easy to point the finger squarely at Canada as the reason for the extremely high prices. As the largest exporter of canola in the world, when their harvest is effectively halved, it makes for very tight supply. This article will explore the trends […]
Is the crossbred clip increasing in Australia?
It would be fair to say if you are from southern Victoria, into south east South Australia, and look over the fence as driving around it is easy to think crossbreds are increasing as a proportion of the flock and wool clip. This article takes a look at trends in the supply of crossbred wool […]