American drought creates barley opportunity

As the world continues to exit from the pandemic, beer sales are expected to rebound, and in turn, demand for malting barley is expected to increase also. However, drought conditions in Canada and the USA have savagely slashed yields, and reduced quality, so an opportunity to cover the shortfall may open up for Australia. A […]
Is there a critical level for staple strength in 17 micron wool?

A correspondent asked this week about staple strength in 17 micron wool, and whether there was a significant or critical level with regards to price. Such queries are always welcome, so this article takes a look at staple strength in 17 micron fleece. Mecardo has looked at trends in premiums and discounts for staple strength […]
Lambs are coming, but can slaughter capacity match supply?

In case you missed it, new restrictions to metropolitan Melbourne were brought in at the end of August and are still in place which directly impact processors in the area. Those restrictions are ‘an abattoir or meat processing facility must reduce the daily peak workforce capacity, and the daily total workforce capacity, by 20% or […]
Downside keeps going up

The young cattle market hit yet another record high this week as the herd rebuild combines with tight international supply to push prices in the stratosphere. There are plenty wondering when the peak will come, and how far prices might fall. The good news is the downside keeps going up. When we say the downside […]