Black Swans everywhere

Earlier this week, shivers went through the stock market on news of a debt crisis enveloping Chinese property developer, Evergrande. The company is said to be in a ‘death spiral’ owing investors and lenders $600B. The flow on effect to banks and investment firms could be profound, with Hong Kong in particular, heavily leveraged against […]
Market increase on solid demand

The positive signs noted towards the end of last week delivered an increase in the wool market this week on the back of solid demand. The softer Au$ was a factor, but also noted in the AWEX report was the very strong bidding for specialty non-mulesed types attracting significant premiums over other types. The Eastern […]
Restockers take the flag
Green was splashed across the board this week with lamb and sheep markets revelling in strong competition at yards in NSW and SA. Supply increased last week, although slaughter continues to lag below levels usually seen at this point in the season. Saleyard lamb and sheep throughput lifted in the week ending the 17th of […]
Signs of strengthening demand for cattle

Both yardings and slaughter surged higher last week, and normally, we would expect prices to soften in response to this. This week, the Eastern States Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) set another record of 1,033¢/kg on Tuesday. Robust demand continues to support prices, which is a very positive sign for the market’s outlook. The question is, […]