Sheep flock still in expansionary mode
Mecardo last looked at the sheep offtake in July. Since then seasonal conditions have remained favourable in most regions for sheep numbers to grow, so it is time to look again at the flow of sheep off farm to abattoirs and the implications for sheep numbers in the coming year. The presence of a La […]
Crop delayed, but not getting smaller
Harvest is powering south, in fact, they’ve started canola across the road from where I write this, which is in south west Victoria. We know the wet weather issues that have been delaying harvest further north, but the Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resources and Economics (ABARES) has come out and forecast a record crop. It […]
Micron price curves updated
Amongst the week to week torrent of information which rushes from a range of sources (some new and some old) it is easy to lose sight of some basic data, such as where are prices sitting at present. This article updates the micron price curve for November. The emergence of large premiums for RWS accredited […]