Regional sources of vegetable matter in greasy wool


Discounts for vegetable matter (VM) reached some extreme levels early this season, and remain at substantial levels for medium and fine merino wool. This article takes a look at the regional sources of VM during the past year. Vegetable matter in the Australian wool clip comes mainly from regions with rainfall which is distributed throughout […]

Mutton set for record annual average

Sheep and lambs in yard

The mutton price has fallen since its mid-year peak, but remains resilient against increased supply, and the lamb price. The National Mutton Indicator is averaging 638¢/kg for the year-to-date, its highest annual average on record, and 31¢/kg stronger than the previous 12 months. An increase in sheep slaughter indicates the flock rebuild has reached a […]

South Korea spiking exports

Cattle in yards

It has almost gone unnoticed, but November threw up some interesting figures for beef export markets. Supply continues to be tight overall, but the shifts in export destinations, while in line with seasonality, were much stronger than usual. Regular readers will know that at the end of the day it’s beef export markets which drive […]