Wheat on a hair trigger

Tension in the Black Sea remains the key driver in global ag markets at the moment. The ’will they, won’t they’ rhetoric reached a peak mid-week when the White House released ‘credible’ intelligence that Feb 16 was THE day that Russia would attack. Instead, it was the day that Russia announced a withdrawal of sorts. […]
QLD demand pushes restockers higher

This week delivered positivity for anyone looking to sell young cattle, with the EYCI clawing back most of last week’s lost ground, and restocker prices lifted sharply, with all the price and volume impetus coming from QLD, as per usual. Brazil is also chewing through its US quotas at a lightning pace, which is looking […]
Big offering, mixed results

This week saw the largest offering since August last year, with ‘plenty of stylish wool’ on offer according to AWEX. It also included a special Tasmanian sale in Melbourne, with 6,000 bales coming from the Apple Isle. The market fell slightly overall but performed quite well considering the large amounts of wool on offer. The […]
Restockers propping up the market

Most lamb and sheep price indicators are traveling below this time last year, that is, except for restocker lambs. The positive outlook for sheep meat demand and seasonal conditions allowing flock expansions to take place is keeping restockers active and prices buoyant. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator gained 7¢ over the week to 829¢/kg […]