Herd rebuild ramps up, slaughter restrained

Forecasts for the cattle herd rebuild have been lifted due to both the continued excellent seasonal conditions in southern Australia, and a drop in the estimated slaughter rates for the year. This means less production then previously forecast but this hasn’t equated to less tonnes of beef forecast to be exported, as the average carcass […]
Wool bale value by region

Wool (merino and crossbred) is produced across a wide array of geographic regions in Australia. This article takes a brief look at the (auction) sale value of wool produced out of the regions. Wool prices are built primarily on breed, category (fleece, pieces etc..), objective measurements (such as fibre diameter), subjective assessments (such as stain, […]
Lamb slaughter has caught 2021 but might be more to come

It’s not unusual for lamb slaughter to remain strong into June. Late May and the first week of June have historically seen weekly slaughter rates at average levels for the year to date. The average lamb slaughter rate usually falls with the Queens Birthday holiday and stays low. This year, supply just continues coming. Figure […]
Opportunity awaits the brave

Where is the opportunity in SWAPS? Any keen market watcher will have noticed the discrepancy between AUD Futures (SWAPS) and the cash price. The spread (basis) between the two is trading at around -$100 for the new crop (Dec ’22) and around -$180 for the new, new crop Dec ’23 (referred to as the ‘red’ […]