A record premium for cattle over lambs

After the Foot and Mouth induced price decline back in mid winter cattle and lamb markets have forged different paths. Continued strong demand and tight supply has seen cattle bounce, while lambs have trended sideways. Here we look at the spread and what it might mean going forward. Even a brief glance at cattle and […]

Wool prices this spring

Wool being sheared off

When wool prices fall there are always questions as to why this has happened, less so than when they rise. With merino prices falling, and even crossbred prices being squeezed lower, such questions are being asked again. This article has a look at price movements so far this season for the 19 MPG and the […]

More ewes and more lambs in June survey

Merino lambs

The results of the June MLA and AWI Wool and Sheepmeat Survey have recently been released. The flock growth which has been expected was confirmed, and there were better marking rates during autumn and the early winter. The Merino ewe flock remains stagnant, but there were more lambs marked. The survey is conducted every 4 […]