Finishing lambs favourable for those with feed

Sheep flock

This year could well be the tale of two springs when it comes to growing grass, as many across the southern states wait for rain this week. Those that have had higher rainfall through the winter are still looking well placed to capitalise, while those that were already low on moisture are looking to the […]

Ringing the trade bell

As we move through spring and the pace of grass growth picks up, at least for those that have moisture, thoughts turn to utilizing growth. Hence, we’ve had a query as to the profitability of buying weaners and holding for six months. Here we run the numbers. Cattle prices have been relatively stable over the […]

Time to think about Barley harvest pricing?


With little in the way of futures markets, barley is often the poor cousin when it comes to grain and oilseed market commentary. While barley does tend to follow wheat’s trajectory pretty closely, we can find buy and sell signals by comparing it to wheat and corn markets. Considering Australia is expected to produce over […]

Is the EMI still relevant?

wool being inspected

The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) is the default price series used for the Australian greasy wool market, as it is well known and has a history extending back to the 1980s. Change in the Australian flock structure has meant that the relevance of the EMI to the merino clip has progressively declined in recent decades. […]