Close up of cattle in yards at Blackall

Buyers don’t have to stretch far to find volumes of cattle at the moment. While patches of the east have either received or are due for a few showers, the cattle keep coming. The market was generally softer this week, largely down to ample supply.

Over 74,000 head of cattle were yarded across the country, which was a lift of 20% on the week prior. Over the last four weeks, yardings have been 44% stronger than the same time last year and slaughter has been 10% stronger year-on-year. With these levels of supply, it’s little wonder we are starting to see prices lose their momentum.

The price decline witnessed this week wasn’t confined to any one segment of the market, but weakness crept in across the board. The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator dropped 20¢ on the week to settle at 650¢/kg cwt. This level was last seen in July. Young cattle prices also slipped in the West, losing 28¢ to 592¢/kg.

Feedlot buyers are well supplied in the north. Argus reported that feedlots in southern QLD and northern NSW are booked out weeks ahead. Both Roma and Dalby saleyards have seen an influx in numbers, particularly of heavy feeder weight cattle. The National Feeder Steer Indicator lost 13¢ this week, to finish at 354¢/kg lwt. There’s around a 30¢ spread between feeder values in NSW and Vic, reflecting the seasonal conditions.  But as shown in this weeks trade analysis (view here) there’s little downside risk for those that can buy in light cattle for the paddock to get to export feeder weight.

Even though reports from the US show imported beef prices appear to have hit a wall for now, Australian processors remain encouraged by the outlook. US cow supply is unlikely to increase, keeping their domestic beef trim supply tight for the foreseeable future. A seasonal uplift in beef supply from across the ditch in NZ will add some more competition to the export trade in the months ahead. 

Next week

Until we see a substantial rainfall event, supply is likely to track close to current levels. Given export demand seems stagnant at best in the near-term, we will be looking to the skies for price improvements.

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Data sources: MLA, Mecardo

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