Angus cattle

The real surprise from this week’s market didn’t come from the usual reports of price or supply but the ABS release of the 2023 cattle herd estimates at 29.9 million head. The new methodology employed by the ABS has found an additional ~4 million head to the cattle herd. While unexpected, this news shouldn’t impact the direction of the market.

A bit of rain fell in parts of southern SA, western Vic and WA this week, but it didn’t dampen the supply of cattle to the yards. Plenty of cattle are also hitting markets in the north with mustering programs in full swing. National cattle yardings increased 5% week on week and were around 20k head higher than the same week last year.

We can see a few different price trends playing out at the moment. Feeder steer prices have been on the rise, gaining 8¢ over the last week to 332¢/kg lwt. This is the highest feeder steer prices have been since mid-April. In contrast, females and young cattle have been on a downward trend. The Processor cow prices this week lost almost 30¢/kg in Victoria, and 9¢ in NSW driven by a lift in supply.

Young Cattle prices are also on a downward trend in the East. Figure 2 shows the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator lost 12¢ over the week to 585¢/kg cwt, which is the lowest the EYCI has been since late April.

While the recent price trends are showing some divergence, all categories are sitting slightly higher year-on-year. WA remains the exception. Despite a huge rally in cattle prices in the west over the last few weeks, prices still have some way to go to reach levels of 12 months ago. The WYCI at 585¢/kg cwt remains 80¢ lower year-on-year. 

The week ahead….

Some light falls for the south, northeast and WA are on the forecast over the coming week. It’s hard to see any significant uplift in prices in the near term. Although supply might lighten a little over the coming weeks as the pressure to offload before EOFY dries up.

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Data sources: MLA, BOM, ABS

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