Nutrien Ag Solutions cattle saleyard.

The cattle market continued its strong start to 2025, with most price indicators rising from last week's starting point. Spurred by favourable rain, it was the demand from the northern buyers that helped shore up the demand side. The market is experiencing large supply increases week on week, as more participants return from their festive break.

Weaner sales are well and truly underway around southern parts of the nation. This has provided a pulse check on the vibe of the market for the new season. 2025 is shaping up to be a strong one, with not only the market opening higher than where it closed in 2024 but also strong weaner sale results.

Reports from livestock agents are that the southern weaner sales were off to a really good start. Angus steer weaners have been attracting 420-440¢/kg with the average yarding sitting around the 330kg mark. The value is strongly supported by northern operators who have been spurred on by favourable conditions to ensure feed supply. Heifers are slightly discounted and fetching around the 350¢/kg mark, which is a 20% discount for the females. This is the same for the restocker indicators, with restocker heifers up 2% on last week to 335¢/kg, 20% behind restocker steers which rose 6%. This was the highest increase of all indicators for the sale week, settling at 411¢/kg.

At the other end of the lifecycle processor cows stayed level with last week finishing at 294¢/kg with 11.6k head of throughput. Wagga and Wodonga took out first and second for throughput respectively. Both saleyard reports mentioned strong competition as processors were keen to secure supply. The Eastern Young Cattle indicator (EYCI) was flat week on week, closing at 707¢/kg cwt. Roma had the largest contribution and highest average selling price for their first sale of the year. Accounting for 17% of the volume of the indicator and averaging an 11% premium. With feedlot operators being the largest buying group of EYCI-eligible cattle.

Initial yardings data from the NRLS show total yardings for the week of 87.8k head. This makes it the 4th largest week of yardings in the last two years and the largest week 2 of sales in the last 14 years.

Next week

Producers will be hoping the strong start will continue with supply being the key factor to watch. Sustained levels of supply as seen this week, will test the market where it is as buyers have more selection to choose from. More rain on the radar for the East Coast should ensure the optimism and demand stays present in the market.

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Data sources: MLA, BOM, Mecardo

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Murray grey cattle and calves in green paddock

Buyers back bidding

Values lifted this week on the back of tighter supply, compounded by increased demand from buyers. Rain on the east coast, with more forecast for

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