Survey- grain flowing into a truck

Mecardo has been engaged to explore growers crop marketing intentions this season and how they may differ from other seasons.

We would like to invite all broadacre growers to complete this short survey on their marketing intentions.

An overview of the results of the survey will be made available to anyone who completes the survey (optional). 

Participation in this survey is voluntary. It will take approximately 2-5 minutes to complete and will remain open until the 24th of August 2020.


Click here to complete the survey

Mecardo collects, uses, discloses and handles personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and it privacy principles as amended from time to time. Please refer to the Mecardo Privacy Policy available at  for more information about privacy processes.

The answers in this survey remain completely anonymous and confidential,
and all results will be combined with other participants to provide an overall


Mecardo team

Have any questions or comments?

We love to hear from you!

Sources: Mecardo


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