Herd rebuild intensifies

The Australian cattle herd is well into “rebuild mode” and over the last quarter producers stepped it up another notch. The share of female cattle exiting the herd is the best indicator of herd growth or liquidation and the latest official data released by the ABS tells us that producers are holding onto their females […]

Green grass supporting restockers but flush to come

It is time for the seasonal flush of lambs coming out of Western Victoria and South East South Australia. While many of the suckers appearing in the yards and online will be at finished weights, there will be plenty of store lambs, and ongoing rains and good potential margins are supporting the market. According to […]

Percentiles – November 2021

Percentiles with a background image of hay bales

Mecardo’s Percentiles update for November 2021. Click below to view the latest report Grains Oilseeds Sheep and lambs Cattle Wool Dairy Fuel Percentiles are an important tool for assisting in the decision-making process. They can provide an indication of the range in which prices have moved and how much time they have spent at varying levels. […]

RWS premiums in absolute terms


Last week Mecardo looked at RWS premiums, using South African quotes as a base by which to compare some Australian price effects. The initial analysis defaulted to proportional (percentage) premiums especially given the high value accorded to fibre diameter at present. This article updates and revisits the premiums in absolute (cents per clean kg terms). […]