
We don’t just report the market news — we explain what’s driving the market, we help you understand what’s important and what it means for you.

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  • Cattle, sheep, wool and grain markets
  • Market drivers, outlook and trading strategies
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  • Smarter decision-making
  • “Analyst in your pocket” 

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  • Mecardo filters what’s important from the ‘noise’
  • All major commodities in the one place
  • Focus on ‘What does this mean?’
  • Short articles communicated simply
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Risk and Strategic advisory

Mecardo offers price risk management advice on the major agricultural commodities using a wide range of tools.  


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Mecardo has a unique footprint across the whole supply chain, giving a competitive edge to provide valuable insights.

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Commodity conversations podcast cover image, a illustration of a sheep standing on a cow's back with grain either side
Listen to the podcast

Join the Mecardo team for the Commodity Conversations podcast, where we provide short weekly market recaps and longer conversations with guests to discuss the drivers and trends in livestock, grain and fibre markets.

Photo of a farmer surrounded by Merino sheep in dusty yards

Our team of market analysts are recognised as leaders in Australian Ag market analysis, providing invaluable insights to help you navigate the ever-changing commodity landscape. 

Image of harvested grain pouring into a chaser bin

We don’t just bring you the most up to date market insights. Find out more about Mecardo’s services including risk management advisory, modelling, benchmarking, research & consultancy.