Wet weather masks for wheat
Recent good rainfall and favourable conditions in many areas of Australia have caused grain crop forecasts to be upgraded significantly, contributing to domestic price declines. Weather reports cover the whole country, though, not just the 3% of our land mass that is planted to crops, so how can we easily compare how our rainfall situation […]
Short staple length merino fleece price percentiles
Most decile tables of wool prices are based on AWEX indicators (MPGs) which works for the majority of wool sold, as full length merino fleece makes up the bulk of wool income. For those shearing more often and producing shorter staple length wool (as South Africa does) this article takes a look at price percentiles […]
Cattle slaughter on the turn
The quarterly Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data has been released for the June quarter and while the trend is still lower, we might be seeing the start of the turn upwards. More recent data supports the theory that the March quarter was the low. There is an obvious lag in the ABS cattle slaughter […]