Market downward spiral continues

The Aussie wool market has been continuing to fall over the past couple of weeks, with the EMI now in its 11th week without positive movement. Low offerings and low buyer support characterised this week, with most indicators falling again, not good signs for the market overall. The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) fell 24ȼ this […]
Plenty of variability in price and supply

A “definite transition away from old lambs” was noted in reports from major saleyards this week as new season lamb numbers continue to build. Competition fluctuated and the market was variable amidst a period of disrupted supply due to holidays and extremely wet conditions. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator ended the week slightly higher, […]
To the saleyards!

Slaughter demand took a heavy hit last week on account of the sudden declaration of a public holiday on the 22nd of September to mark the queens death, but yardings have surged this week, while prices have held relatively firm. East coast cattle slaughter has continued on the steep downward trajectory that started in early […]
War ramps up pressure on wheat

The wheat market has been torn between two extreme driving principles, supply and demand. Late last week, further sabre rattling coming out of the Kremlin underlined how precariously balanced the grain corridor deal really is. Reserve mobilisation, the threat of nuclear warfare and the realisation of a protracted war is building a considerable premium back […]