Lamb exports bring the big bucks

While we wait to see what impact southeastern Australia’s current inundation will have on throughput and price, export demand may be sheepmeat’s only consistent factor right at the minute. Both the volume and value of lamb in particular is at historical highs as Australia’s supply and covid-impacted markets build back up. Mutton volumes are still […]

More rain than 2010 but it gives an idea

It was a wet year already, but the rains last week, and forecast for the coming week threaten to make it one of the wettest on record. There is nothing like flooding event to throw livestock markets out of whack, and while short term impacts are obvious, we went looking for what might happen in […]

Wet weather a mildew and fungus feast

It’s not often we can say this, but sometimes water can be more of a curse than a blessing. Aussie cropping zones have, on aggregate, copped their wettest JUL-OCT period in over 30 years, and the question is not if, but how much damage has been done, as the majority of cropping zones on the […]

Merino micron price curve – October 2022

With fine merino premiums under downward pressure, after an extended period at high levels, it is timely to look at the merino micron price curve. Some fine wool breeders have the measurements and capacity to split clips up by micron, so the price curve is an important piece of information for that process. Fibre diameter […]