Who would be a wheat trader?
Whoever said grain marketing was boring would be eating their words. The two-way action that wheat has seen this week has been nothing short of chaotic. The Russian decision to walk away from the grain initiative, only to rejoin a couple of days later, has made the market move like a puppet on a string. […]
Heavy wet weather premium evaporates
As numbers have returned to the saleyards, some of the “wet weather premium” that popped up in finished cattle in recent weeks has begun to evaporate. Despite a spike in supply of young cattle, prices are holding relatively well, but it remains to be seen whether healthy demand will persist or it’s a carryover from […]
Lack of demand weighs on market
Again, the wool market posted a weaker trend, falling from the outset post the Melbourne Cup delayed selling week. Growers responded with a smaller offering and a high pass-in rate. The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) fell on the back of last week’s negative movement, down 39ȼ to 1261ȼ/kg, falling also in US terms despite a […]
Lambs waiting for sunshine
While the wet has caused devastation and challenges in many regions, it has provided a welcome boost to lamb prices. Slaughter rates are holding steady but very few lambs have been moving through the saleyards. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator managed to hold steady on the week, sitting at 804¢/kg cwt, 17¢ below the […]