Here comes the backlog

The excitement for the week occurred at Wagga saleyards with a record set on Thursday for the biggest offering of sheep and lambs in a single sale with a total yarding of 80,650. Wagga wasn’t the only busy saleyard though with national weekly throughput at the highest level this year. The Eastern States Trade Lamb […]
Corridor hope

One week on from the calamitous Russian grain corridor roller coaster and it’s like nothing happened. In fact, a newfound sense of confidence that the grain corridor will persevere has seen wheat futures slide to mid-September levels. Recently Turkey has suggested that the corridor be given a 12 month renewal ahead of the current expiry […]
Deluge of supply hits saleyards pre-harvest

Drier paddocks, and mixed enterprises looking to shift their limited labour towards focusing on harvesting crops has lead to a 33% surge in yardings this week. EYCI eligible yardings reached 15,000 head- the second highest since June this year, and young cattle prices held up. However, finished cattle prices buckled under the deluge of supply. […]
Wool market softer with stronger Au$

The softer wool market trend continued which resulted in one of the lowest weekly clearance rates for some time. The Sydney designated Super-fine sale produced solid support for wool exhibiting good style and measurements, however, the recent trend of lesser wools struggling to find demand continued. The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) fell again, down 20ȼ […]