Slow start for live export, but projections are positive

Cattle live exports ended 2022 at their lowest point for a decade, and 2023 hasn’t kicked off any better. Australia sent the least number of live cattle offshore in January that it has for that month in at least the past 20 years. In that period, total live exports for any given month – not […]
Wheat and corn are still in rare air

It’s that time of year when the new crop hedging window is well and truly open. The lead-up to spring is when northern hemisphere crops are either coming out of dormancy or yet to be planted. This is a period of great production uncertainty, but can also be a time of great opportunity. We know […]
Contracting US lamb crop a positive for Australia

Farmers don’t seem to like sheep much in the USA. Unlike here, where sheep are grazed on some of the best pastures in the country, in the US they are confined to more marginal areas. The US flock and lamb crop is still shrinking, but it’s good news for Australian lamb producers. Figure 1 is […]
Vegetable matter on the rise

Vegetable matter (VM) levels wax and wane each year on a fairly regular seasonal pattern, reaching lows around Christmas and highs toward the middle of the calendar year. The levels reached vary between years and it is this variation that is associated with differences in discounts for VM. This article takes a look at VM […]