Commodity price variability

Tractor harvesting crops

It is some seven years since Mecardo looked at commodity price volatility across a wide spectrum of commodities, beyond apparel fibres and those commodities produced on extensive Australian farms. Price volatility can be measured in a number of ways. For the purposes of this article price data in Australian dollar terms from the past 5 […]

Price pain pulls lamb sales into the new year

Sheep flock

According to producers participating in the latest Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) sheep survey, nearly 3 million fewer lambs were sold from October through to December 2022 than they expected. Poor lamb performance due to weather conditions, and lower prices, were the biggest factors for the more than 50% of […]

Sorghum adding to exportable surplus


The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) March Crop Report gave us our first solid look at how the summer cropping season went for northern producers. Sorghum is by far the majority crop, and interestingly, most is being exported these days. The sorghum crop is almost exclusively produced in New South […]

Lamb and cattle back at evens

Murray grey cattle and calves in green paddock

It wasn’t that long ago we produced an article talking about the record premium of young cattle prices over those of lamb. How things have turned, with the two now almost at even money. In October 2022, we discussed the record premium for cattle over lambs.  At that time lamb prices had declined as the […]