Is liquidation looming?

The latest slaughter and production data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is in, and unsurprisingly it marks a potential move into the next phase of the cattle cycle. As herd growth has matured across the country and falling young cattle prices add further disincentive for further restocking, the Female Slaughter Rate (FSR) has […]
Heading for record lamb slaughter

We used to get Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) livestock slaughter data monthly. Now it comes quarterly, and as such we get a big drop of data to disseminate four times a year. Last week the June data was released, and here we look at the preliminary findings. Figure 1 tells much of the story. […]
Local basis creeps higher

While the wheat roller coaster has continued to go through ups and downs in Chicago, locally pricing has been much more stable. In fact, we have recently seen local wheat move higher despite falling international values, with basis now higher than we’d expect in a ‘normal’ season. Chicago Soft Red Wheat (SRW) Futures bounced off […]
Update on Argentine wool production

Argentine wool production amounts to 8% of the Australian wool clip total volume. While the headline volume appears small in comparison to the Australian clip, when looked at in more detail (all wools are not equal) Argentine production matches Australia in some areas. This article takes a look at recent Argentine wool production. La Niña […]