Restockers revved up by rain

Rainclouds gather on the horizon, and the cattle market is mustering some hope for a shift in fortunes. Supply numbers ebb, slaughter rates rise, and the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator paints a tale of restocker activity improving. Many of the key saleyards noted a slight pullback in cattle supply this week. Preliminary reports indicate that […]
Trade lambs revert to month-ago levels

Australia’s October sheepmeat exports were the highest monthly total on record, driven mainly by significant increases in mutton volumes. Unfortunately, record-breaking exports and strong slaughter throughput were not enough to impact domestic markets this week as pretty much all of the price indicators have reverted in the last week back to month-ago levels. The National […]
Turn of foot just in time

The wool market, much like many other businesses in Australia, was not firing on all cylinders after the Melbourne Cup. Wednesday’s bidding was less than ideal, dampening market sentiment. However, a Thursday turn of foot saw significant improvement across the board, helping to restore balance by the end of week. East Coast wool markets on […]
USDA spoils the party

In the last week or so, the long-term downtrend had been bucked somewhat. There had been observations that the Russian export pace was slowing down, China was in the market, the Argentine wheat crop was worse than expected, and more recently, rumours that Russia may implement an export quota. Last night, the USDA put any […]