Female Slaughter Ratio points to official herd rebuild
The authoritative ABS data on the state of the Australian slaughter situation for the first quarter of 2021 is in and the verdict is that the Australian herd rebuild is officially underway, with cow retention particularly earnest in NSW and QLD. Low slaughter also indicates we may be on track for 1.1 million fewer cows […]
Vegetable matter update
Vegetable matter (VM) levels are up this year as was expected from the much improved seasonal conditions in 2020, which has caused problems for exporters in meeting consignment averages which are typically around 1% for many orders. This article takes a look at VM supply. Mecardo last looked at changes in VM levels and at […]
What’s a spring lamb going to be worth?
With plenty of lambs on the ground, and the peak winter/spring lambing season fast approaching and bankers wanting budgets for the new financial year, the question that is coming up is ‘how much are lambs going to be worth in the spring? Time for a little crystal ball gazing. Educated guesses are as good as […]
Percentiles – May 2021
Mecardo’s Percentiles update for May 2021. Click below to view the latest report Grains Oilseeds Sheep and lambs Cattle Wool Dairy Fuel Percentiles are an important tool for assisting in the decision-making process. They can provide an indication of the range in which prices have moved and how much time they have spent at varying levels. […]