Wool bounces on
This week only Sydney & Melbourne offered, with AWEX reporting that the EMI rose for the fourth consecutive week, with “every sector posting rises.” The MPG indicators 18 MPG & finer All sit above 2000 cents, the last time this occurred was in mid-August 2019. The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) added 50¢ this week to […]
Regional Rainfall Update May 2021
Mecardo’s regional rainfall update for May 2021. Click here to view the latest update This report highlights: Current season’s monthly rainfall trend Last season’s monthly rainfall trend Average monthly trend over 50 years 70% range in monthly rainfall over last 50 years 95% range Rainfall within the 70% range would be considered reflective of a […]
The varying value of AWEX MPGs
AWEX wool market indicators (the MPGs primarily) do an excellent job in maintaining transparency in the Australian greasy wool market, but their relationship to the average prices paid has varied through time due to structural changes in the market. This article takes a brief look at the changing relationship of key AWEX MPGs to the […]
Tight lotfeeder margins limit feeder upside
The numbers of cattle on feed managed to maintain above 1 million head to the end of March, but it might be a different story at the end of June. Rising feed prices and rising feeder prices haven’t been matched by better finished cattle values, with a squeeze on margins resulting. Rising international grain values, […]
Flurry to restock lifts flock forecast
The weather may not feel particularly “good” for those in the south east of the country experiencing an arctic blast this week, but overall seasonal conditions have continued to be positive for sheep production so far in 2021. This has encouraged the national sheep numbers to rebuild faster than first predicted by Meat and Livestock […]