Flock growth flying forward
Flock growth is flying according to Meat & Livestock Australia’s latest sheep industry projections, with numbers rebuilding much faster than anticipated. Which means this year’s lambs supply is more plentiful than first thought, but mutton production has fallen further than previously anticipated, as older ewes are retained longer, despite strong returns for sheep. If processors […]
Merino staple strength P&Ds
For many wool growers our understanding of staple strength and its impact on prices for merino wool is anchored in the 1990s and early 2000s when premiums and discounts for this characteristic were very large. To perhaps help reset this anchor point this article looks at staple strength premiums and discounts during the past five […]
Most of record production being used
Australia is on track to produce the second highest wheat crop on record, on the back of the highest wheat crop on record. You would think back to back extremely strong production would see stocks building, but the official estimates show the efficiency of the export program in getting wheat out. The latest Australian Bureau […]
Aus Cattle still trading at gold plated prices
Australia is still in the grip of a cattle price boom, fueled by good seasonal conditions, strong export demand, mostly stemming from Asia’s ever-growing hunger, and a turn to health consciousness in the pandemic era. But how does the price of Australian cattle stack up compared to the rest of the world, especially our major […]