Percentiles – November 2022
Mecardo’s Percentiles update for November 2022. Click below to view the latest report Grains Oilseeds Sheep and lambs Cattle Wool Dairy Fuel Percentiles are an important tool for assisting in the decision-making process. They can provide an indication of the range in which prices have moved and how much time they have spent at varying levels. […]
What’s beef got to do with the price of pork in China?
Pork is the traditional staple animal protein of China, and its price exerts considerable influence upon Chinese demand for imported meats such as beef and sheepmeat. Now the scourge of African Swine Fever (ASF) is largely behind China, pork prices can also be seen as one of the more visible barometers of the health of […]
Increased price equality for poorer spec fleeces these days
The Australian greasy wool market is transparent in large part to the market reporting efforts of AWEX. Indicators produced by AWEX, especially the Micron Price Guides (MPGs), are used by the industry generally both here and overseas as a guide to price movements and price levels. This article takes a look at the long term […]
Worst spring store lamb price in three years
After the extreme doldrums of August and September, things were looking up for store lamb producers. Up to a fortnight ago prices had rallied back to five year average rates, and were trending higher. What a difference a fortnight makes. It doesn’t feel like it, with the weather being rather wintery, and cricket season making […]