Aus Wool not necessarily riding the Greenback

It makes perfect sense that fluctuations in the Australian dollars’ value will have an effect on greasy wool prices received at auction because the vast majority of Australian wool production is exported. How that logic translates into actual pricing of wool in practice is actually highly variable though. Some 80% of Australian wool production is […]
Herd rebuild steady as she goes in September quarter

Cattle slaughter and production rose in the third quarter, but the female slaughter rate (FSR) has remained stagnant. At 44%, the FSR remains within the generally accepted herd rebuild range of below 47%, and indicates the ongoing wet seasonal conditions for that quarter encouraged producers to continue retaining breeders. These figures, up to the end […]
Delivery concerns not hitting prices yet

It was nearly a month ago when we last looked at the wet weather impacts on price spreads in the grain market. Harvest has started in the north, but it hasn’t gotten any drier for much of the east coast. It’s worth another look at how the milling and feed wheat market is performing. We’ll […]