Indonesian live export trade lagging

Cattle in yards

Australia’s live cattle exports are holding steady year-on-year, having yet to experience any significant uptick in numbers since increased domestic supply has pushed prices down. The latest figures available are to the end of May, and show cattle live export numbers have lifted 2% year-on-year for that period. Looking further back, however, we can see […]

Canola – a rising tide?

Overhead image of canola field in bloom

Ample global canola supply led by Australia, and low crude oil prices have weighed on the wider global oilseeds complex. Why will canola continue to be pressured and what might the outlook be? Europe is the major destination for Ukrainian and Australian canola with 70% consumed in the biofuel industry.  However, recent imports of Russian […]

Live sheep export numbers on the rise

Public consultations were completed this week by the independent panel created to advise the federal government on the phase-out of live sheep exports, and they now have three months to compile their report. For those same three months, no live sheep will be exported out of Australia to the Middle East, as the northern hemisphere […]

AWTA volumes generally up

Merino sheep walking out of a shed

It has been a while since Mecardo looked at Australian Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) core test volumes, and with the merino micron swinging finer earlier than anticipated it seems timely to review supply by micron category. The raw material used in this article has been drawn from the excellent AWTA website (see here) which makes […]