Defying seasonality

Aerial shot of pen of lambs in Holbrook

Contracting supply and rain were key ingredients in a much stronger lamb and sheep market this week. Seasonal conditions have conspired with robust processing demand which bodes very well for the outlook as we approach the new year. Looking at the rainfall map for the past week explains where the jump in restocker interest came […]

Dressing for success in 2025?

Sheep running out of a shed

The increased offering of wool bales stirred a range of outcomes this week, particularly affecting the finer micron wool segments. On balance, the Eastern Market Indicator fell 2¢ to 1,142¢/kg in AUD terms and fell 7¢ week on week in USD terms. An additional 5,059 bales were on offer this week compared to the last […]

Fine wool shines amid currency slide

Currency played in the favour of wool buyers this week as weakness in the Australian dollar made the purchase price look more attractive to those overseas. Fine and mid-micron segments of the market have now returned to levels not seen since June in local terms. The Eastern Market Indicator lifted 7¢ on the week to […]

Record slaughter doesn’t dampen spirits

Sheep transport vehicle

Despite lamb yardings running at above-average levels over the last few weeks, saleyard reports are still noting a hefty appetite from processors for lambs that meet their ideal requirements. Price movements this week paint a pretty clear picture of that story. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI) lifted to 817¢/kg cwt, up 29¢ on […]

Stimulus falls flat but wool market turns green

The wool markets on a roll, spinning another week of positive gains and lighting up the boards greener than a social media feed on National Ag Day. A small offering and weaker AUD helped to engage buyers of Merino fleece, despite more of the same news on the Chinese economy. With all medium to fine […]

More bang for buyer buck

Sheep packed into loading pen on a farm with dark clouds above

The 38,904 bales offering this week proved too much for the market to absorb without a further price decline. This coupled with a fall in the exchange rate means that for overseas buyers, wools ‘bang for buck’ is now looking as good as it was in May. It was hoped that the softer Australian dollar […]

Southern buyers sweep up young lambs

Sheep in distance in green paddock

Rain reached patches of central and northern NSW this week but failed to find its way south. The dry spring plaguing much of Victoria and South Australia is being reflected in the variation of numbers and quality, and this week it sent processors North. Trade lamb prices firmed in all states, with high-yielding lambs in […]

How a structural shift in fertiliser supply chains is changing the Australian market

Trinidad Ship Loading

Fertiliser supply chains have been put to the test over the last few years, from navigating conflict and surging energy prices to changing trade policies. What began as market disruptions have now evolved into structural changes in the supply chain, with implications flowing on-farm. Australia imports around c.70-75% of our Ammonium Phosphate (AP) from international […]

New season lambs steal the spotlight

A decline in lamb numbers helped the market to switch direction and drive prices higher. Store lamb demand was notably stronger in key saleyards this week, with quality also improving in the south. A few saleyards in Victoria report that new season lamb numbers are now making up the greater share of lamb throughput, as […]

Cattle buyers are content for now

Close up of cattle in yards at Blackall

Buyers don’t have to stretch far to find volumes of cattle at the moment. While patches of the east have either received or are due for a few showers, the cattle keep coming. The market was generally softer this week, largely down to ample supply. Over 74,000 head of cattle were yarded across the country, […]

Trade winds turn

With the spring price decline setting in motion last week, producers weren’t as willing to risk another weaker market at saleyards. Throughput declined but it wasn’t enough to prevent prices from falling steeply across most categories. It wasn’t all bad news this week, however. Mutton has come under pressure in the last four weeks, with […]

Lamb market standing on solid ground

Sheep in paddock in NSW, photo by Adele SMith

Saleyard lamb and sheep throughput continue to track down slightly, with wild weather no doubt stalling some numbers in the south this week. As a result, buyers chasing quality have again helped to firm up the market. Winter clean-up lots marking the tail end of the old season lambs in the south are widening the […]