Processors feeling pain on high Aussie cattle prices.
The latest update to the Mecardo processor margin model delivers no good news this month, with our estimates being that beef processors are, on average, likely to still be losing money for every animal slaughtered. This is most likely going to continue to limit the amount of upside that the cattle market can possibly achieve […]
Chinese lamb demand well back on last year
Earlier in the year lamb exports crashed but they have since resumed somewhat normal trends. However, if we look a bit deeper into the data we can see that there have been some significant shifts in demand, especially from China. Total lamb exports followed their usual seasonal trend in October, gaining 11% on September, and […]
Broad crossbred prices
Broad crossbred prices are reported to have picked up since early September in New Zealand so it seems like a good time to revisit prices for the broad edge of Australian wool production. Mecardo looked at broad crossbred prices recently (view article here). This article updates the graphs shown then. Unfortunately the published New Zealand […]