AWTA volumes in April 2022

Wool bales

Wool production in Australia is currently quite varied when broken down into micron categories. This will be challenging for the supply chain which effectively assumes production will be similar to year earlier levels. With this in mind Mecardo looks at the latest AWTA volume data. Figure 1 shows the change in AWTA core test volumes […]

Similar lamb numbers but swings in breeds

Sheep running out of a shed

Last week we did some analysis on the MLA and AWI Wool and Sheepmeat survey. There were some interesting results in the breeding ewes on hand numbers, and lambs marked, both pointing towards a shift away from Merino’s. This week we found more evidence in the lambs on hand, and expected sale data. We already […]

Feed wheat caught in supply chain kinks

Rain at harvest is never a good thing. Quality downgrades and the financial impost they present are a nightmare for farmer and trader alike. This year we saw widespread rain across the SE agricultural zone leading to massive quality downgrading in NSW, VIC and SA. Approximately 13mmt was weather affected, resulting in low (sometimes very […]