Cardings prices


Traditionally fibre diameter has not played a great role in the makeup of cardings prices, with bulk, colour and vegetable fault the big drivers. In the time of COVID this has certainly changed for merino cardings, which this article looks at. The AWEX Merino cardings (MC) indicator  is made up of a mix of locks […]

Wheat basis in the expected range

Grain silos art

Regular readers will know we like to track the spread between local grain prices, and their international equivalent as an indicator of when they are good buying or selling. The past year has seen extreme swings in the wheat prices spread, or ‘basis’, and we seem to back in what was historically the normal range. […]

The fruits of the rebuild yet to be realised

Angus cattle

A fortnight ago cattle slaughter jumped higher, nearing a high for the year, and moving past the same week in 2021. It will have to remain at strong levels for the rest of the year to have a meaningful impact on price, and to reach slaughter targets. Cattle slaughter was low in 2021.  The official […]