FMD and rain sees cattle go unreplaced

The latest Australian Lotfeeders Association (ALFA) and Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) cattle on feed survey results were released last week. Cattle on feed numbers declined for the second quarter in a row, but the impacts on beef supply are yet to be seen. The cattle on feed survey gives us a snapshot of what […]

The saw of price cycles cuts both ways

Wool being sheared off

The deterioration in the economic backdrop to the greasy wool market points to recession in some of the major economies associated with wool processing and consumption. The implication is that demand for wool (as in the economy generally) will ease and prices follow. This article takes a brief look at cyclical downturns in merino wool […]

Smart money short on optimism for wheat & corn

Managed money, often referred to as “the smart money” in the US Wheat & Corn market has become increasingly pessimistic since the start of October, selling off wheat and corn in spades, even as the future of the black sea grain corridor began to look doubtful- a strong bullish signal. Long time readers will recognise […]