Confirmation of the lamb supply shift

The quarterly Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) livestock slaughter and production data dropped late last week. There were a few surprises on the lamb front, with a solid lift in slaughter, at the expense of weights. A few years ago, the (ABS) gave up supplying monthly livestock slaughter and production data and moved to quarterly. […]

Delving deeper into the WASDE data


Last week we covered the headline numbers from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. This week we delve a little deeper looking for price direction for barley and canola. The data behind the WASDE report is a bit like a rabbit hole.  There are forecast for […]

RWS premiums for Merino fleece this year

Merino sheep in sunset

Getting a read on premiums for Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) accredited wool is tricky, especially from an individual sale lot perspective. Wool growers understandably want to know the returns (premiums) for accessing accreditation to schemes such as RWS, so in this article, we look at RWS premiums for the calendar year to date (since the […]

FSR far from liquidation marker

Cattle in field

The Australian cattle industry’s Female Slaughter Rate (FSR) continued its’ rebuild streak for the first quarter of this year, barely increasing and not reaching anywhere near the traditional herd liquidation mark of 47%. At 42% of total slaughter, the FSR would indicate that declining young cattle prices had yet to dampen producers’ enthusiasm for rebuilding […]