Merino wether opportunity knocking?

Given the dramatic falls in lamb and wool, it is time again to take a look at relative pricing, and the results are interesting. It has been a while since we compared the prices of sheep and lambs. How the prices are situated relative to each other can often give an indication of how sheep […]
Peak to trough price moves in meat and wool

Beef prices down 50% on recent highs, lamb down 56%, and merino wool down 40% on 2018 highs are not a welcome combination. This article looks at the past 50 years to put these down cycles in a historical context. Every commodity price cycle or price trend varies in some way, as the saying goes […]
Summer crop declines add to feed pressure

Like the winter cropping regions, the summer croppers also benefitted from La Niña over the last few seasons, producing a couple of bumper crops in a row. This has added to abundant feed supplies and kept a lid on pricing. Forecasts are for tighter stocks this year. After the winter crops are done and dusted, […]