Looks like 2014-2015

Sheep in field

While we’ll have to wait for Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data on lamb slaughter and production to get an idea of recent lamb slaughter weights, anecdotal reports are that plenty of light lambs are going to processors. What does this do to next year’s supply? The reports of ‘bag lambs’ being killed and sent […]

Here comes harvest pressure

Header harvesting grain

Harvest is either going or rapidly approaching in many cropping zones at the moment. With harvest comes selling, or at least much greater interest in prices. Harvest pressure is already appearing in markets, with prices beginning to ease. Even during a relatively dry year harvest pressure can impact markets. In some cases, harvest pressure is […]

Regional differences in Merino microns

Sheep in paddock

With a dry winter and spring in many regions in 2023, seasonal conditions are markedly different to a year ago. Wool reflects the conditions it was grown in through fibre diameter, staple length, staple strength, the position of break, vegetable matter and various subjectively assessed faults. Given the change in seasonal conditions, we can expect […]